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  1. Controls, documents and monitors all incoming and outgoing documents including proposals, contracts, billings, submissions, plans, specifications and all other office documents.
  2. Monitors and documents the status of all projects, contracts, billings and office finances.
  3. Monitors and documents project due dates and submissions.
  4. Prepares transmittals for all outgoing documents and log all incoming documents.
  5. Answers all incoming calls and places all outgoing calls.
  6. Prepares monitoring log for all incoming and outgoing calls.
  7. Receives all incoming emails and sends all outgoing emails from the company’s official email account.
  8. Prepares monitoring log for all incoming and outgoing emails.
  9. Prepares billing-printing cost for additional prints beyond contract requirement.
  10. Prepares all documentary monitoring forms.
  11. Ensures that all documentary monitoring forms are properly logged by the employees.
  12. Monitors payments due from the company such as SSS, Philhealth, HDMF and others.
  13. Reproduction all documents prior to submission to include of materials specifications, design analysis, bill of materials and other documentations.
  14. Coordinates with the printing company for plotting and blue printing of plans.
  15. Finishing/presentation works for all documents prior to submission to include, binding, packing, and packaging of materials specifications, design analysis, bill of materials, plans and other documentations.
  16. Monitors and controls all transmissions and deliveries of plans and all documents.
  17. Follow-up billings with clients.
  18. Coordinates our office operation with the Clients, Contractors and Suppliers.
  19. Ensures proper implementation of all items embodied in the company policy.
  20. Issue memorandum to employees who cannot comply with the company policies and standards.
  21. Ensures proper operation of the company.
  22. Call for staff meeting where necessary for the proper operation of the company.
  23. Ensures that all meetings are logged and properly attended by the staffs.
  24. Purchase of company basic needs and immediate needs such as office supplies, document printers, computer peripherals and accessories, office repairs and maintenance needs.
  25. Monitors company finances.
  26. Monitors submission of accomplishment and work load report;
  27. Monitors performance of staff/s under his supervision;


  1. Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s/College Degree (Any Course) preferably with Professional License (Passed Board/Bar/Professional License Exam) but not required.
  2. Knowledgeable in MS Office applications.
  3. Must possess good communication skills in both oral and written.
  4. Writing and Speaking in Chinese is an advantage but not required.
  5. Must have a pleasing personality.
  6. Must be with good interpersonal skills and a team player.
  7. Must be with good moral character and professional attitude on work.
  8. Willing to be work in Mandaluyong City.


Posted on July 26, 2016 under Career,Company Updates

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